In this article, I will show you how to create a Neumorphism login form UI design. We all know that the login form plays an important role in any website. Basically, we face the login form to access the account on different websites. Where we can log in to our account with a username and password.
Neumorphism is currently a very popular UI trend that is being used extensively to create a variety of web elements. This type of design is more beautiful than ordinary design and it is much easier to make.
This Neumorphism login form I created only with HTML and CSS code. Here is the complete color of the background color and the color of the web element. Basically, in this type of design, the background color of the web page and the element is completely the same. However, in this case, some shadows are created using CSS code which determines the size of these elements.
I put everything here like a normal login form. First of all, I added a title then there is no place for username and password input. Then there is a login button and there is some text at the bottom.
Neumorphism login form UI Design [Live Demo]
You can use the demo section below to learn how it works. Here you will find the required source code which you can copy and use in any of your work.
See the Pen by Raj Template (@RajTemplate) on CodePen.
Hopefully, the demo above has helped you to get a live experience of this design.
How to create a Neumorphism login form
Now I have shown below the complete tutorial on how to design this CSS Neumorphism login page. However, if you want to download the source code, then use the download button at the bottom of the article.
Step 1: Basic structure of login form
I have created the basic structure of this login form using the following HTML and CSS code. Only the basic structure of the login form and the following HTML and CSS codes are used to shape the login form.
Here I used the background color of the webpage # dde1e7. In this case, I have used box-shadow to give shape to this login form. I used height: 420px and width: 350px of login form.
If you watch the demo, you will understand that I have made the two corners of this login form a little round. For this, I have used a border-radius. In this case, I have used a 40px border radius for bottom-right and top-left angles.
Step 2: Add title
I have added a title in the login form. I have used font-size: 30px and color black for this title. I used margin: 30px 0 15px to create some space on it. In this case, text-align: center has been used to place the text in the middle.
Step 3: Create a place to input
Now I have created the input places in this simple Neumorphism login form. Basically, two input spaces are used here, one for the email ID and the other for the password. The box-shadow inset function has been used to make the input places slightly inward.
Step 5: Create a login button
I have created a login button using the following codes. Font-size: 23px of the text in this login button and padding: 8px to create some space around it. I have also used box-shadow in this picture to understand the size of the login form.
Added hover effect on login button. This button will move slightly inwards when you click on the button or move the mouse. I have used box-shadow: inset for this.
Step 6: Add some external links
Below all here I have used two texts. One is a forgotten password and the other is for registration. Display: flex and justify-content: space-between has been used to keep these two texts on the same line.
Hopefully from this article, you have learned how to make Neumorphism login form UI design. In the meantime, I have created many more designs using HTML and CSS. You can see those articles.
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